Mission of the Project

Our mission is to create an agriculturally based community that boasts sustainability and economic feasibility. Thus inducing an increase in agrarian development, and boosts community development by adding healthy and affordable housing option to a currently out of control market. Benefit all members of the local community.​ 


Economic Stability

Provide economic protection and reduce economic risks for all members of the community by raising the amount of jobs, improving social security, and raising residential income.

Operational Transparency

Enforcing autonomy and transparent agribusiness by building a community where fairness, equality, and democracy is heavily encouraged.

Healthy Consumerism

Promote consumer welfare and market health by increasing the food supply and quality of services while lowering expenses of farming supplies.

Unifying Community 

Bring together a centralized community of like-minded individuals and unite them under the principle of voluntary activity and  shared risk and responsibility. 



Please contact alex@darsi.org with questions or for further information